Dropping Out of College In recent years countless parents have to face this challenging question from their children – about dropping out of college. These…
Abandonment, death, endurance, grief, loss, pain, separation, sickness and suffering all come to pass at one moment of our Life or another. I was first introduced, when I was…
Sunday 02 June 2013 was a beautiful day in London. So the three of us took a walking route over the Golden Jubilee Bridge to…
Relentless Pursuit of Excellence… Singapore Airlines (SIA) has certainly come a long long way since its split from Malaysia-Singapore Airlines (MSA) and its founding in October 1972….
In my previous post My Generation Looking Back I recounted some of the tumultuous events of the 1960s. For the baby boomers, Bob Dylan fittingly gave…
“We were young, idealistic, wanting to do good and make a difference to the world at large. We were growing up and were old enough…
Back in the 1960s, my friends and I had thought that our parents’ generation was too old-fashioned, traditional, unyielding and not seeking to understand. We…