Chinese Lotus Painting

The Lotus As A Life Lesson

The Lotus I Knew In Boyhood…

The Lotus As A Life Lesson…

The lotus is another of my metaphor for a great Life Lesson. Whilst writing my blog post 'Can or Can't! A Life Lesson' last weekend, I already had the lotus plant in mind. I am a night person and I write best in those wee hours. But I woke up early this morning, and was inspired to write a tribute to the lotus, a plant I knew as a boy when fishing in ponds. I have enjoyed the beauty of its flowers and gathered its pods to eat their lotus seeds. 

My Tribute To The Lotus…

"Amazing beauty from white to soft pink. You grow up with your roots embeded in mud, in the river bed or in ponds, in muddy water, often brackish. And yet you strive hard to bring your leaves above the water surface, to breathe more freely. And when the time comes, you proudly lift your delicate blooms skywards, so they can dance with the breeze." This tribute was written even before I had finished my morning coffee. I felt it was a good metaphor for a Life Lesson and for me to share in this weekend's post. 

A Symbol Of Purity And Resilence…

The lotus is a favourite subject of painters, especially amongst the classical artists of Chinese paintings and as a divine symbol in Indian and other Asian cultures. It symbolised purity, – "while growing from mud, it is unstained" wrote the Confucian scholar Zhou Dunyi. Its resilience can be traced through "the oldest recorded lotus germination being from that of seeds 1,300 years old recovered from a dry lakebed in north eastern China." 

As a Life Lesson, the lotus, in my opinion, symbolises your attitude to where you want to position your goal. You can strive to rise above your "mud", be free and grow skywards by being resilient and untainted. You can then celebrate Life by dancing in the breeze. Be happy and be fulfilled in your Life.