2013 New Year’s Resolutions | The Hows And The Whys

Happy New Year! 2013…

2013, another new year and for many, another set of new year’s resolutions. The hows and the whys of making resolutions do not guarantee that we’ll make this 2013 a better year, that we succeed in doing things that we have failed to do before or just want to improve ourselves with the hundreds of self-improvement tips and programmes. Some of my friends have just made a resolution to not make any more resolutions.

How You Do Anything Is How You Do Everything…

Why we do things cannot be answered universally I think, for each of us are driven by different forces and emotions, including unknown internal ones. Habits are so challenging to break. Some of us believe that resolutions made in the new year are to be made and forgotten – just like a passing fad. Habits die hard, something we all know from young. T. Harv Eker, has famously said this : How you do anything is how you do everything. So is it surprising that only less tha one in ten new year resolutions succeed?

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People…

An insight into the correlation between habits and new year’s resolutions is best given by Stephen Covey‘s The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, an all-time best-selling business book. A favourite book of mine, it helps me understand the people I meet in life, from the highly effective and successful ones to those I would term pedestrians.

Why We Do What We Do…


Sometimes, a 22-minute video by a world renowned motivational speaker such as Tony Robbins best serves to explain why we do what we do. We can now understand the hows and the whys about new year’s resolutions.