Social Media

Coke Is Not Cock! Speak Better English

Your Brand, Bad English And Social Media...

If you are a marketer, or depends on making a living doing sales, advertising or other marketing functions, you will not be amused when you watch the two videos selected below. A recent research in the United Kingdom shows that what annoys people most about brands on social media are spelling errors and other sloppy grammar mistakes. In other words, poor English usage should not be allowed to slip through and cause damage to the brand. 

Coke And Not Cock…

So, if you are promoting coke (as in Coca Cola), your target audience should hear it as coke and not as cock. The research findings show that a hefty 42.5% of those surveyed are more annoyed by poor spelling and bad grammar than ‘too salesy updates’ – accounting for just 24.9%. Have fun with this hilarious Korean teacher’s cock lesson on coke (click here if the video below do not play) :

Sinking And Not Thinking…

This second video is entertaining. In a real life crisis, however, a poor grasp of the English language can be a matter of life and death. When a sailor is in distress and the coast guard trainee manning the land station misunderstood the sailor’s ‘I am sinking’ SOS and asks ‘What are you thinking’ instead. Watch it here:


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