Werner Summiting Everest

One Step At A Time To Your Everest

One Step At A Time…

No advice is simpler than taking ‘one step at a time’ to achieve whatever goal that we have set out to achieve. That goal may be one of many that we have decided to include in our own bucket list. Even if that goal is our Mount Everest, we can still try to achieve it one step at a time. After we have started to take the first steps, only then can we say that we are working towards our goal. Once action is being taken, the game is on.

Keep Visualing You Are At The Top…

The next simple advice is to ‘keep visualizing you are at the top’, no matter what obstacles that may have been there to disrupt your journey or disappointments that may weigh you down. Olympic champions have a mental picture, one that they replay repeatedly before their events come on. For example, an Olympian long jumper may be replaying, like a mental video, the five essential components of his jump – the approach run, the last two strikes, the takeoff , the action in the air and the landing – that he had trained for successfully. Psychologically, an Olympic champion has already won – in advance. This is the second simple advice to keep visualizing you are at the top.

These two simple advice comes from a good friend and mentor Werner Berger.

Seven Summits…

Werner summited Mount Everest on 22 May 2007, and at the age of 69, he was the second-oldest North American to achieve that (4th in the world). By reaching the summit, he also became the oldest North American to climb the “seven summits” comprising the highest peak on each of the world’s seven continents.

Encore, Seven Summits…

And the latest news from Werner is this. Starting next year he is planning to climb all 7-Summits in a 12 month (1 year) period. His quest is to become the oldest person in the world to do the seven summits in 12 months. Watch the interview and announcement in this Philly Sports Spotlight Episode #031…
