On Wisdom – Part One, Growing up in Kuala Lumpur

Growing up in Malaysia in the 1950s and the 1960s, I was taught that working hard and getting a degree would lead to a good job. As a teenager, adults would tell me and my brothers that we had to learn a profession – that was the only way to move up in the world. Fast forward fifty years to 2012, and the world has completely changed. I am still learning how to touch-type, but I can write a blog that is read all over the world. My teachers back in primary school could not even have conceived of such a world! But they still taught me the fundamentals of hard work. Kudos to them.

Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia (then Malaya), in the 1950s

Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia (then Malaya), in the 1950s

Unfortunately, having a good work ethic but no job leads to a loss of confidence in your ability to contribute to society.  I really want to share how I have spent the last two years re-educating myself in Health, Wealth, and Wisdom. In addition, I also like to demonstrate to my children, nephews and nieces that learning is a lifelong process. And perhaps, through and and by leveraging the Internet, the many many people in our fast globalising world.

I started this site with the intention of creating a community of like-minded people – in Singapore, Malaysia, and around the world – who share similar experiences and still have unrealized dreams of making positive contributions to society. It is difficult to overcome the fear that others will laugh about this amateurish attempt to start again. However, I believe that there are millions of us out there who are wondering,

Retire – Do What?

As inspiring as Steve Job’s famous 2005 commencement speech at Stanford, where he famously quoted,

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish  

You can’t help but be inspired. Tell me if you are not, but only after you have watched this Video:

And by the way, Steve had quoted Stewart Brand‘s farewell message placed on the back cover of the 1974 edition of the Whole Earth Catalog  “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”