Refugee Camp In South Sudan

2012 Auld Lang Syne

The leap year that was 2012 has just come to past. Wars and civil strife continue to plague humankind, wrecking economic havoc and the loss of lives in terms of both military and civilian deaths. Our hearts must surely go to those families who lost loved ones from the senseless school killings of the young and the innocents; as young as six-year olds. The USA is not alone in this tragedy of school attacks. China suffers too.

Refugee Camp In South Sudan

Our destruction of nature and our greed to rape the land brought about mega storms that claim lives and the massive destruction of properties . Superstorms Hurricane Sandy and Typhoon Bopha were painfully unforgetable. The good lesson is that the global warming sceptics have witnessed nature’s destruction and become less belligerent.

A good Thai friend has just WhatsApp me and I like to share her wishes for the new year : “All the bad has ended with 2012, and all best of everything’s are coming to yr hands… happiness, health, wealth and luck. Grab them tight..never let go..and they’ll be with you throughout..Happy New Year 2013…Cheers!”

Let’s sing our Auld Lang Syne to 2012 and welcome 2013……

… still a beautiful world

“With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.” ~ Desiderata